covid update

Following the latest government announcement and updates to United Synagogue guidance, we have now reviewed our COVID-19 safety procedures .

We are pleased to confirm that from Monday 19th July, we will no longer require face coverings to be worn at services, with the exception of Shabbat mornings.

In view of the larger numbers in Shul on Shabbat mornings, and to enable us to continue to safely welcome families and children to daven and celebrate together, we will continue to require face coverings to be worn by everyone over the age of 11, except those who are exempt.

Other safety measures will remain in place, including ventilation of the building and hand sanitising upon arrival and departure. The upstairs gallery will remain open for men and women until after the Yom Tov season.

We will also begin to offer a modest outdoor Kiddush option to those celebrating semachot in the coming weeks, with the aim of resuming regular Kiddushim in due course.

Safely restoring full community provision remains our highest priority. We will keep these arrangements under review in the context of COVID-19 infection levels over the coming weeks and hope to be able to further ease restrictions soon. Further updates will follow in the lead-up to the Yamim Noraim.