Over the coming months, we are undertaking an ambitious and exciting renovation project at Golders Green Synagogue. It will create valuable new space for programmes, functions and our office staff, and provide long-needed restoration to many parts of our building and facilities.
Thank you for your interest in this landmark project – please click on the brochure below to find out more.
The total cost of this project is estimated at £350,000. While we are fortunate to have raised sufficient funds through generous donations and legacies to embark on the first phase of the work, we will require further funding for later phases.
You can donate right now through the United Synagogue donation page (donations will go directly to the GGS building fund), or make a pledge by emailing Joel Clark (chair@ggshul.org.uk) or Adam Berlin (adam@ggshul.org.uk).
Charity vouchers – made payable to Golders Green Synagogue – can be delivered to the Shul office (please mark the envelope for the building fund.
Thank you in advance for your generosity.