Accessibility and Disability Inclusion

Accessibility and Inclusion

Golders Green Shul will work together with you and your family to ensure that we are accessible and inclusive for all.

Here is a summary of our facilities at Golders Green Shul:

Wheelchair access

We currently have wheelchair access for all downstairs areas (main shul area, kiddush area and children services for ages 0-5) and an accessible toilet. Unfortunately, as the building is a grade II listed building built in 1922 we are unable at this time to put in a lift. On a regular Shabbat, this will impact on those individuals who would like to attend the youth and children services from age 5 and upwards which are held upstairs. If you would like to attend these services on a particular Shabbat please let us know in advance so we can try and adjust their location.

Neurodiversity and Special Educational Needs

For those who would benefit from a quiet space during the service we can provide this for you. It is easier if you let us know in advance, but we know that sometimes these things can be difficult to plan ahead so please let one of the wardens or caretaker know if you require this on the day. On Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur this will be available throughout the day in one of the upstairs glass rooms (please note unfortunately this room is not accessible for wheelchair users).

For some children and young people we know it can be helpful to plan in advance and think about what coming to Golders Green Shul will be like. We have therefore created this social story which you may find helpful – see our social story. We also have ear defenders available at the entrance of the main shul. Please replace in the basket when you have finished using them. If you would like to have a sensory pack which contains fidget toys appropriate for shul, please ask one of the wardens or caretaker.

At the back of the main shul there is a book shelf which contains ‘Siddur Lakol’ an accessible Siddur in regular and large print.

If you would like to celebrate a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, or another celebration, in our shul and you require adjustments to be made please contact us and we will be happy to discuss together how to make your celebration perfect for you.

Additionally, please contact us ahead of your visit if there is anything else that you would like to discuss and have in place in advance of your visit.

Infant Care in Shul

Baby change facilities can be found in the disabled toilet downstairs and in the ladies toilets upstairs.

For those that would like a quiet room for feeding a baby, we have a small, comfortable room upstairs which is available for use. It is located next door the women’s toilets (please note unfortunately this room is not accessible for wheelchair users).

Useful contacts

For more information, please contact our office –

To hear more about inclusion in the United Synagogue, please be in touch with Rivka Steinberg –